Alexandria's Little Corner of the World


One big thing to know about me is that I am a scrapbooker. Not the traditional kind where one takes pictures and matchbooks or theatre tickets and pastes them into a book with little stickers and the like.

What I do instead is take ideas from magazines that I like and paste them into books so that when I need inspiration for decorating or ideas for colour schemes, I have my own interior decorating "magazines."

I have been doing it for about three years now, and have amassed about six full books. I paste everything I like into these books, whether it's floorplans of homes (which I love and which the magazines don't include enough in their layouts), entire rooms, a single item like a chair, pillow or dishes, helpful hints and tips, cards that I've received, pattern swatches, etc.

Here are a couple of pages from my scrapbooks.

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Even after a few books, I really noticed a common pattern amongst the things I liked in interior design or colours I liked, such as toile, retro-inspired decor, the colour apple green and open shelving for displaying dishes, serving platters, kitchen condiments or staples, etc.

As I buy many magazines each month and don't have as much time as I would like to devote to scrapbooking, last year I turned my guest room into a scrapbooking room. (I never had that many guests anyways!) I devised a filing system to keep me organized with my scrapbooking, so that I would know where I was with things, so that when I had just a few minutes I could just do some gluing or just rip magazines and file them into the appropriate categories.

(And yes, I did go a bit nuts with my label maker!)

And my scrapbooks all lined up on their shelf. (And yes, those are indeed wedding scrapbooks; I keep those, too.)

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