Alexandria's Little Corner of the World

The Holiday

Last night the girls and I went to see The Holiday, with Jude Law, Cameron Diaz , Kate Winslet and Jack Black.

It was definitely a "chick flick" but a really good one!

The general gist of the movie is that both Kate Winslet's character Iris and Cameron Diaz's character Amanda need to get over guys in their lives so they swap homes for two weeks over the Christmas holidays. Cameron heads to Surrey, England while Kate heads to Los Angeles, California. In Surrey, Cameron falls in love with Kate's brother Graham (Jude Law), while Kate slowly falls for movie music composer Miles (Jack Black).

It's a fun and hopeful movie that those of us not in relationships will find relationships when we least expect to.

My one gripe however is that there was a wee too much of Cameron Diaz. If you like her then there's lots of Cameron for you to love. But if you find her annoying as I do, then she grates on your nerves a bit that leaves you pining for those times when they flip to Kate in L.A. (Cameron did however have very nice clothes in this movie, especially the blouse at the little lunch place Jude Law's character takes her to. The sets were also nice, such as the banquette seating in the lunch place and Cameron's house in L.A. I fell in love with the sofa-style head boards.) Kate on the other hand, was great. I've never noticed her as an actress before, but she's definitely been under rated in my books. She did such a good job in this movie and you really start cheering for her.

In the movie Jude's big secret isn't that he's a ladies man but that he's a single father; a widow with two girls named Sophie and Olivia. These girls are the sweetest little girls in the world. Maybe it was the British accent but they sounded like mini-adults but not in the scary Dakota Fanning way. And there is one scene where Jude and Cameron are lying in the tent with the two girls, one on each side, that has the cutest tent. It has cut out stars hanging from ribbons from the middle and when they lie down on the pillows they can look up at the hanging stars.

And since the "I cheated on my mistress with the nanny" incident of Jude's, I thought he was very yummy in this movie! He looked like such a dapper English gentleman! Maybe it was also that he was pretty preppy in this movie and I always like the preppy look. But probably also because he was such a good father in the movie, and that's always a turn on, too.


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