Gilmore Girls: Seasonal Recaps
0 Comments Published by Alexandria on Wednesday, December 27, 2006 at 1:30 p.m..
Here, I'll recap the goings on in Stars Hollow from the first season.
October 5, 2000. We are introduced to the mother-daughter duo of Lorelai and 16-year-old Rory Gilmore. They live in a small town called Stars Hollow. Rory has dreams of going to Harvard one day. She gets accepted into Chilton Academy, a private school that Lorelai also attended. But the tuition is more than Lorelai can afford so she's forced to ask for financial help from her parents, whom she is estranged from and whom she and Rory only visit on bank holidays. Her parents, Richard and Emily, agree if only she and Rory will have weekly Friday night dinners with them. Lorelai begrudgingly agrees for the sake of Rory's future.
At Chilton, Rory struggles initially. Used to being at the top of her class, Rory finds the other students ultra competitive and snobby. Her biggest rival: Paris Gellar, who also has dreams of attending Harvard and being the editor of The Franklin, the Chilton paper. Paris, backed by Madeline and Louise (who aren't as academically-inclined as she is), the trio torment Rory, mocking her grades and her less-than-wealthy circumstances.
On her last day at Stars Hollow High, Rory meets the new kid: Dean Forester, who has moved to Stars Hollow with his family from Chicago. They share their first kiss over a can of soda at Doose's Market. For her birthday he gives her a bracelet he made himself. They break up on the their three-month anniversary in the junk yard, where he was showing her a car he was going to re-build for her. They re-unite at the end of the season.
Rory's father, Christopher Hayden returns. Raised in the same elite social circles as Lorelai, he has is also estranged from his family. Presumably Christopher has seen Lorelai and Rory sporadically over the past 16 years. He and Lorelai have a tryst on the balcony outside of Lorelai's childhood bedroom, the same balcony that led to Rory's conception.
Throughout the season, Lorelai has been flirting with Rory's English teacher, Max Medina. They date but break up because it's inappropriate for a Chilton teacher to be fraternizing with a Chilton parent. But by the end of the season, Max has proposed with 1,000 yellow daisies.

The season kicks off with love in full bloom. Lorelai has said yes to Max's proposal and Rory and Dean are back together.
But love is short-lived, at least for Lorelai. By the third episode, she has called off the wedding to Max on the eve of the wedding. She and Rory take a road trip to Harvard.
At Chilton, Paris continues to give Rory a hard time, over academics and boys. But Rory perseveres. She turns a piece about the repavement of the school parking lot into a piece about the ever changing world. She plays Juliet to Tristan's Romeo, the same Tristan who pines for Rory but whom Paris pines for. The ill-fated kiss between the star-crossed lovers doesn't make Dean a fan of Shakespeare's either. By the end of the season Rory and Paris have come to a mutual agreement of sorts: they need each other. Paris runs to be the school president but the only people voting for her are those scared of her. She makes Rory her vice president to boost her likeability factor, which Rory agrees to in order to boost her extracurricular activities for her Harvard application.
Jess Mariano, the 17-year-old nephew of Luke, the local diner owner, arrives in Stars Hollows after being sent there to be straightened out by his no-nonsense uncle. Rebellious but well-read, he makes an impression on Rory, who skirts around her feelings for him while still dating Dean. Luke hires Rory to tutor Jess after finding out that he is failing at school. One night during tutoring, Jess talks Rory into going for ice cream with him. They have a car accident and Rory fractures her wrist. Jess sends his nephew back to his sister. But Rory seeks him out in New York City, cutting school to spend the afternoon with him, missing her mother's graduation from night school in the process.
Sookie St. James, Lorelai's best friend and the chef at the Independence Inn where they both work, falls in love with her produce guy, Jackson Belleville. He proposes during the Stars Hollow's picnic basket auction. The second season closes with their wedding, at which Lorelai and Rory are bridesmaids.
Christopher returns to escort Rory during her debutantes' ball, which she agrees to participate in to appease her grandmother. She wears the gown originally made for her own mother who never had a ball because she found out she was pregnant with Rory before the ball. By the end of the season it seems that Lorelai and Christopher may get back together but then a phone call from his ex-girlfriend Sherry changes everything. She tells him that she is pregnant and he goes back to her to be the father to his unborn baby that he never was to Rory. Lorelai is left heartbroken.

The third season kicks off with Jess' return to Stars Hollow, but now he has a blonde girlfriend whom he is attached at the waist to. This brings out the green-eyed monster in Rory. During the town's 24-hour dance marathon, Dean breaks up with Rory, fed up with the longing looks exchanged between Rory and Jess all season long. Rory and Jess ultimately start dating, much to Lorelai's dismay.
Lorelai and Rory attend Sherry's (Christopher's girlfriend) baby shower, which leaves Lorelai especially feeling uncomfortable. The discomfort level is increased a few more notches when later in the season Sherry goes into labour and Rory is called on to be in the birthing room with her as Christopher is out of town and her best friend is too busy. Lorelai arrives at the hospital to help Rory but flashes back to Rory's birth. Christopher shows up at the last minute for the birth of his second daughter, Georgia, whom they call Gigi.
Rory's application for Harvard arrives but she has a major anxiety attack over her credentials to be a student at an ivy league school. Her grandparents arrange for Rory to tour Yale, Richard's alma matter, and along with it, a meeting with the dean of admissions. Rory decides to apply to Yale as a back up, as well as Princeton. At season's end she is accepted to both schools (while Harvard rejects Paris) and ultimately decides that Yale is the school for her, much to her grandparents' delight.
Lorelai dates around. First with a mysterious man from an auction organized by her mother, then with Alex, whom she meets at a course about starting your own inn. Max re-enters Lorelai's life, albeit briefly.
Jess's father shows up in Stars Hollow but leaves abruptly. Jess follows his father back out to Venice Beach, California after a keg party brawl with Dean, who is now engaged to Lindsay.
Bittersweet endings mark the end of the third season. The Independence Inn closes after a fire results in severe damage. Lorelai and Sookie ponder opening their own place and making a bid for the Dragonfly Inn. Rory's time at Chilton ends. In her Valedictorian speech, she thanks her mother for being her hero.

The fourth season kicks off with the Gilmore girls having returned from a back packing trip through Europe and with Rory heading straight to Yale orientation. Her first night brings jitters at being apart from her mother and Lorelai ends up spending the night on the floor of Rory's dorm room with her roommate, none other than Paris.
But that's not the only surprise: Luke, after having tip toed around his feelings for Lorelai for the past four years, returns from a summer cruise married to Nicole, a lawyer. And p.s. they are also getting divorced. But as season four continues, Luke and Nicole continue to date each other, even as they are getting divorced from each other. Luke even moves in with Nicole, in the next town much to Lorelai's surprise and dismay. But by season's end, Nicole has a secret boyfriend and Luke is arrested for kicking at his car and Lorelai posts bail for him.
Marriage is also on the mind for Dean, who marries Lindsay in the town square.
Sookie is pregnant and it's to be a boy named Davey.
After her initial first night jitters, Rory throws herself into life at Yale. She goes on her first college date (which is a dud and results in her calling Lorelai for advice on how to get out of it) and writes a critical article about a Yale ballerina for the Yale Daily News. She even goes away on spring break with Paris where they run into their former Chilton classmates,
Richard is outsted from his insurance firm and strikes out on his own with Jason ("Digger") Stiles, whom Lorelai knew from her childhood camp days. To spite her parents, Lorelai takes Jason up on his dinner offer but ends up falling for him. The relationship is short-lived: when the business partnership between Richard and Jason dissolves, so does Jason and Lorelai's relationship when she is essentially forced to choose between her family and her boyfriend.
Lane (Rory's best friend since childhood) moves out of her house and away from her mother's strict and religious rules. Her roommates are Zach and Brian, two of her bandmates from Hep Alien. (The third, Gil, is married with kids.)
Lorelai and Sookie hire themselves as caters while they are between inns. Plans and renovations for the Dragonfly Inn are underway. The season ends with a test-run for the Dragonfly Inn and finally, a kiss between Luke and Lorelai, and Rory losing her virginity to a still-married Dean.

The season picks up where the last season ended: Lorelai has just come home to find out that Rory slept with Dean. Emily whisks Rory away to Europe to put some distance between her and Dean. But upon Rory's return, she finds Dean's marriage over and Lindsay's mom creates a scene in the town square accusing Rory of being a home wrecker.
Rory and Dean re-kindle their relationship while she goes back to Yale. Rory's investigation of a secret society at Yale, the Life and Death Brigade, leads her to befriend Logan Huntzberger, heir to the Huntzberger Publishing Company, a national newspaper conglomerate. Rory eventually finds herself attracted to Logan, though he comes off arrogant and spoiled at first. A cat and mouse game ends up in the pair dating though the Huntzbergers think that Rory is beneath their social class. Richard and Emily meanwhile are thrilled with the match. Mitchum, Logan's father, offers Rory an internship at one of his newspapers but after a few weeks, Mitchum crushes Rory by telling her that he doesn't think she'll make a good journalist. In a rebellious state, Rory convinces Logan to steal a yacht with her which lands her in prison.
Lorelai meanwhile embarks on a new relationship with Luke and Luke is forced to get along with the Gilmores. Emily has him over for dinner and insults his jacket, car and diner by calling them "rustic." Richard and Luke try to bond over a golf game, but by the end of it Richard has talked Luke into trying to franchise his diners. Neither Gilmore approves of Luke. But Luke and Lorelai persevere and Luke even bids Twickham House as a home for the two of them.
Christopher's father dies and Rory and Lorelai both console him. Lorelai however does not tell Luke about it. Rory visits her father and asks him to stay away from Lorelai, who is happy and in a new relationship and she doesn't want her father to ruin it. Christopher is not happy with this and lashes out at his daughter.
Separated, Richard and Emily find that being single after nearly four decades together is hard. Emily goes on a date but misses Richard. They reunite mid-way through the season, throwing themselves a lavish vow renewal. Ever the schemer, Emily sees it as her opportunity to get rid of Luke and invites Christopher to the ceremony and reception. A drunken Christopher causes mayhem in Lorelai and Luke's relationship, temporarily breaking up.
Sookie has her second child, a girl whom they name Martha Janice Lori Ethan Rupert Glenda Carson Daisy Danny Belleville.
Lane dates one of her bandmates, Zach. The band is invited to Korean New Year at the Kim house.
The last minutes of the this season has Lorelai proposing to Luke after Rory drops out of Yale and moves in with her grandparents.

The season picks up with the Gilmore girls estranged from each other. Rory has dropped out of Yale and is living in the pool house at her grandparents while Lorelai has proposed to Luke. Lorelai gets herself a dog (even though she has killed every animal who has come into proximity of her), whom she names Paul Anka.
After the yacht-stealing incident, Rory is given 500 hours of community service. Her grandmother gets her a job with the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) for which Rory organizes events and acts as an administrative assistant. Rory continues dating Logan.
Sookie tries to reunite Lorelai and Rory by making them both godmothers to Davey and Martha.
Rory celebrates her 21st birthday with a lavish party thrown by her grandparents, not the way she had always talked of celebrating her 21st birthday: In Atlantic City with her mom, playing 21, drinking martinis and buying 21 things.
Luke discovers that he has a 12-year-old daughter, April Nardini when she arrives at his diner needing his help for a science fair project entitled "Who's My Daddy?" Luke keeps April's existence a secret from Lorelai until she shows up at the diner unexpectedly while April is spending the day there and discovers April filling salt shakers. Lorelai agrees to post-pone the wedding, which has been set for June 3. In the last episode of the season, Lorelai goes to Luke and begs him to elope with her. She tells him that they can work April into their lives afterwards, but Luke refuses to elope.
An unexpected source helps to reunite Lorelai and Rory: Jess, who returns to give Rory a copy of his book. He reminds her of the Rory he once knew, a Rory who was determined and whose biggest dream was to go to Yale. Rory gets herself a job at a newspaper, re-enrolls at Yale and reunites with her mother.
Back at Yale, Rory is voted in as the Yale Daily News's editor after Paris is outsted. Paris evicts Rory from their apartment as a result, leaving Rory homeless until Logan convinces her to move in with him. Logan is badly hurt during a Life and Death Brigade stunt gone bad. Rory rushes to his hospital bedside. Rory throws Logan a lavish party at the end of the season to send him off to London, where he will work as part of his father's company.
Zach proposes to Lane, who happily accepts. They get married in two ceremonies. First, a traditional Korean wedding with ceremonial robes and all to appease Lane's grandmother, then a Christian ceremony in her mother's Seventh-Day Adventist faith. At the reception, Lorelai gets drunk and Christopher takes her home.
Christopher's grandfather dies and he inherits a truckload full of money. He wants to share his money with Lorelai and Rory. Lorelai doesn't want anything from him but Rory asks him to help pay for Yale, which he agrees. Lorelai is happy to see a changed Christopher, who is now raising his daughter Gigi on his own.
In the last episode of the season, at a Friday Night dinner, Emily tries to set up Christopher but the set up fails miserably. He convinces Lorelai to help get him out of it, which she does. That same night, when Luke refuses to elope with her, Lorelai turns to Christopher for comfort and ends up sleeping with him.

The present season. As the season opens, Lorelai regrets sleeping with Christopher. She tells Luke what she has done and he punches Christopher.
Lorelai and Christopher eventually begin dating. While taking Gigi to Paris to visit her mother, the couple elope. Rory is surprised and less than happy with her parents wedding because she was not consulted about it or part of the wedding.
Christopher has a hard time adjusting to life in Stars Hollow. The towns people see him as an outsider and liking him would mean being disloyal to Luke. Luke and Christopher come to blows before Christmas.
Rory and Logan pursue a long-distance relationship with him working in London. She makes some new friends, Olivia and Lucy, who is dating Marty, a co-ed Rory met her first year at Yale but who pretends not to know her. Logan refuses to be part of the charade and tells Lucy the truth about Marty and Rory.
Luke's sister Liz has a baby named Doula.

And now you're all caught up!
October 5, 2000. We are introduced to the mother-daughter duo of Lorelai and 16-year-old Rory Gilmore. They live in a small town called Stars Hollow. Rory has dreams of going to Harvard one day. She gets accepted into Chilton Academy, a private school that Lorelai also attended. But the tuition is more than Lorelai can afford so she's forced to ask for financial help from her parents, whom she is estranged from and whom she and Rory only visit on bank holidays. Her parents, Richard and Emily, agree if only she and Rory will have weekly Friday night dinners with them. Lorelai begrudgingly agrees for the sake of Rory's future.
At Chilton, Rory struggles initially. Used to being at the top of her class, Rory finds the other students ultra competitive and snobby. Her biggest rival: Paris Gellar, who also has dreams of attending Harvard and being the editor of The Franklin, the Chilton paper. Paris, backed by Madeline and Louise (who aren't as academically-inclined as she is), the trio torment Rory, mocking her grades and her less-than-wealthy circumstances.
On her last day at Stars Hollow High, Rory meets the new kid: Dean Forester, who has moved to Stars Hollow with his family from Chicago. They share their first kiss over a can of soda at Doose's Market. For her birthday he gives her a bracelet he made himself. They break up on the their three-month anniversary in the junk yard, where he was showing her a car he was going to re-build for her. They re-unite at the end of the season.
Rory's father, Christopher Hayden returns. Raised in the same elite social circles as Lorelai, he has is also estranged from his family. Presumably Christopher has seen Lorelai and Rory sporadically over the past 16 years. He and Lorelai have a tryst on the balcony outside of Lorelai's childhood bedroom, the same balcony that led to Rory's conception.
Throughout the season, Lorelai has been flirting with Rory's English teacher, Max Medina. They date but break up because it's inappropriate for a Chilton teacher to be fraternizing with a Chilton parent. But by the end of the season, Max has proposed with 1,000 yellow daisies.

The season kicks off with love in full bloom. Lorelai has said yes to Max's proposal and Rory and Dean are back together.
But love is short-lived, at least for Lorelai. By the third episode, she has called off the wedding to Max on the eve of the wedding. She and Rory take a road trip to Harvard.
At Chilton, Paris continues to give Rory a hard time, over academics and boys. But Rory perseveres. She turns a piece about the repavement of the school parking lot into a piece about the ever changing world. She plays Juliet to Tristan's Romeo, the same Tristan who pines for Rory but whom Paris pines for. The ill-fated kiss between the star-crossed lovers doesn't make Dean a fan of Shakespeare's either. By the end of the season Rory and Paris have come to a mutual agreement of sorts: they need each other. Paris runs to be the school president but the only people voting for her are those scared of her. She makes Rory her vice president to boost her likeability factor, which Rory agrees to in order to boost her extracurricular activities for her Harvard application.
Jess Mariano, the 17-year-old nephew of Luke, the local diner owner, arrives in Stars Hollows after being sent there to be straightened out by his no-nonsense uncle. Rebellious but well-read, he makes an impression on Rory, who skirts around her feelings for him while still dating Dean. Luke hires Rory to tutor Jess after finding out that he is failing at school. One night during tutoring, Jess talks Rory into going for ice cream with him. They have a car accident and Rory fractures her wrist. Jess sends his nephew back to his sister. But Rory seeks him out in New York City, cutting school to spend the afternoon with him, missing her mother's graduation from night school in the process.
Sookie St. James, Lorelai's best friend and the chef at the Independence Inn where they both work, falls in love with her produce guy, Jackson Belleville. He proposes during the Stars Hollow's picnic basket auction. The second season closes with their wedding, at which Lorelai and Rory are bridesmaids.
Christopher returns to escort Rory during her debutantes' ball, which she agrees to participate in to appease her grandmother. She wears the gown originally made for her own mother who never had a ball because she found out she was pregnant with Rory before the ball. By the end of the season it seems that Lorelai and Christopher may get back together but then a phone call from his ex-girlfriend Sherry changes everything. She tells him that she is pregnant and he goes back to her to be the father to his unborn baby that he never was to Rory. Lorelai is left heartbroken.

The third season kicks off with Jess' return to Stars Hollow, but now he has a blonde girlfriend whom he is attached at the waist to. This brings out the green-eyed monster in Rory. During the town's 24-hour dance marathon, Dean breaks up with Rory, fed up with the longing looks exchanged between Rory and Jess all season long. Rory and Jess ultimately start dating, much to Lorelai's dismay.
Lorelai and Rory attend Sherry's (Christopher's girlfriend) baby shower, which leaves Lorelai especially feeling uncomfortable. The discomfort level is increased a few more notches when later in the season Sherry goes into labour and Rory is called on to be in the birthing room with her as Christopher is out of town and her best friend is too busy. Lorelai arrives at the hospital to help Rory but flashes back to Rory's birth. Christopher shows up at the last minute for the birth of his second daughter, Georgia, whom they call Gigi.
Rory's application for Harvard arrives but she has a major anxiety attack over her credentials to be a student at an ivy league school. Her grandparents arrange for Rory to tour Yale, Richard's alma matter, and along with it, a meeting with the dean of admissions. Rory decides to apply to Yale as a back up, as well as Princeton. At season's end she is accepted to both schools (while Harvard rejects Paris) and ultimately decides that Yale is the school for her, much to her grandparents' delight.
Lorelai dates around. First with a mysterious man from an auction organized by her mother, then with Alex, whom she meets at a course about starting your own inn. Max re-enters Lorelai's life, albeit briefly.
Jess's father shows up in Stars Hollow but leaves abruptly. Jess follows his father back out to Venice Beach, California after a keg party brawl with Dean, who is now engaged to Lindsay.
Bittersweet endings mark the end of the third season. The Independence Inn closes after a fire results in severe damage. Lorelai and Sookie ponder opening their own place and making a bid for the Dragonfly Inn. Rory's time at Chilton ends. In her Valedictorian speech, she thanks her mother for being her hero.

The fourth season kicks off with the Gilmore girls having returned from a back packing trip through Europe and with Rory heading straight to Yale orientation. Her first night brings jitters at being apart from her mother and Lorelai ends up spending the night on the floor of Rory's dorm room with her roommate, none other than Paris.
But that's not the only surprise: Luke, after having tip toed around his feelings for Lorelai for the past four years, returns from a summer cruise married to Nicole, a lawyer. And p.s. they are also getting divorced. But as season four continues, Luke and Nicole continue to date each other, even as they are getting divorced from each other. Luke even moves in with Nicole, in the next town much to Lorelai's surprise and dismay. But by season's end, Nicole has a secret boyfriend and Luke is arrested for kicking at his car and Lorelai posts bail for him.
Marriage is also on the mind for Dean, who marries Lindsay in the town square.
Sookie is pregnant and it's to be a boy named Davey.
After her initial first night jitters, Rory throws herself into life at Yale. She goes on her first college date (which is a dud and results in her calling Lorelai for advice on how to get out of it) and writes a critical article about a Yale ballerina for the Yale Daily News. She even goes away on spring break with Paris where they run into their former Chilton classmates,
Richard is outsted from his insurance firm and strikes out on his own with Jason ("Digger") Stiles, whom Lorelai knew from her childhood camp days. To spite her parents, Lorelai takes Jason up on his dinner offer but ends up falling for him. The relationship is short-lived: when the business partnership between Richard and Jason dissolves, so does Jason and Lorelai's relationship when she is essentially forced to choose between her family and her boyfriend.
Lane (Rory's best friend since childhood) moves out of her house and away from her mother's strict and religious rules. Her roommates are Zach and Brian, two of her bandmates from Hep Alien. (The third, Gil, is married with kids.)
Lorelai and Sookie hire themselves as caters while they are between inns. Plans and renovations for the Dragonfly Inn are underway. The season ends with a test-run for the Dragonfly Inn and finally, a kiss between Luke and Lorelai, and Rory losing her virginity to a still-married Dean.

The season picks up where the last season ended: Lorelai has just come home to find out that Rory slept with Dean. Emily whisks Rory away to Europe to put some distance between her and Dean. But upon Rory's return, she finds Dean's marriage over and Lindsay's mom creates a scene in the town square accusing Rory of being a home wrecker.
Rory and Dean re-kindle their relationship while she goes back to Yale. Rory's investigation of a secret society at Yale, the Life and Death Brigade, leads her to befriend Logan Huntzberger, heir to the Huntzberger Publishing Company, a national newspaper conglomerate. Rory eventually finds herself attracted to Logan, though he comes off arrogant and spoiled at first. A cat and mouse game ends up in the pair dating though the Huntzbergers think that Rory is beneath their social class. Richard and Emily meanwhile are thrilled with the match. Mitchum, Logan's father, offers Rory an internship at one of his newspapers but after a few weeks, Mitchum crushes Rory by telling her that he doesn't think she'll make a good journalist. In a rebellious state, Rory convinces Logan to steal a yacht with her which lands her in prison.
Lorelai meanwhile embarks on a new relationship with Luke and Luke is forced to get along with the Gilmores. Emily has him over for dinner and insults his jacket, car and diner by calling them "rustic." Richard and Luke try to bond over a golf game, but by the end of it Richard has talked Luke into trying to franchise his diners. Neither Gilmore approves of Luke. But Luke and Lorelai persevere and Luke even bids Twickham House as a home for the two of them.
Christopher's father dies and Rory and Lorelai both console him. Lorelai however does not tell Luke about it. Rory visits her father and asks him to stay away from Lorelai, who is happy and in a new relationship and she doesn't want her father to ruin it. Christopher is not happy with this and lashes out at his daughter.
Separated, Richard and Emily find that being single after nearly four decades together is hard. Emily goes on a date but misses Richard. They reunite mid-way through the season, throwing themselves a lavish vow renewal. Ever the schemer, Emily sees it as her opportunity to get rid of Luke and invites Christopher to the ceremony and reception. A drunken Christopher causes mayhem in Lorelai and Luke's relationship, temporarily breaking up.
Sookie has her second child, a girl whom they name Martha Janice Lori Ethan Rupert Glenda Carson Daisy Danny Belleville.
Lane dates one of her bandmates, Zach. The band is invited to Korean New Year at the Kim house.
The last minutes of the this season has Lorelai proposing to Luke after Rory drops out of Yale and moves in with her grandparents.

The season picks up with the Gilmore girls estranged from each other. Rory has dropped out of Yale and is living in the pool house at her grandparents while Lorelai has proposed to Luke. Lorelai gets herself a dog (even though she has killed every animal who has come into proximity of her), whom she names Paul Anka.
After the yacht-stealing incident, Rory is given 500 hours of community service. Her grandmother gets her a job with the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) for which Rory organizes events and acts as an administrative assistant. Rory continues dating Logan.
Sookie tries to reunite Lorelai and Rory by making them both godmothers to Davey and Martha.
Rory celebrates her 21st birthday with a lavish party thrown by her grandparents, not the way she had always talked of celebrating her 21st birthday: In Atlantic City with her mom, playing 21, drinking martinis and buying 21 things.
Luke discovers that he has a 12-year-old daughter, April Nardini when she arrives at his diner needing his help for a science fair project entitled "Who's My Daddy?" Luke keeps April's existence a secret from Lorelai until she shows up at the diner unexpectedly while April is spending the day there and discovers April filling salt shakers. Lorelai agrees to post-pone the wedding, which has been set for June 3. In the last episode of the season, Lorelai goes to Luke and begs him to elope with her. She tells him that they can work April into their lives afterwards, but Luke refuses to elope.
An unexpected source helps to reunite Lorelai and Rory: Jess, who returns to give Rory a copy of his book. He reminds her of the Rory he once knew, a Rory who was determined and whose biggest dream was to go to Yale. Rory gets herself a job at a newspaper, re-enrolls at Yale and reunites with her mother.
Back at Yale, Rory is voted in as the Yale Daily News's editor after Paris is outsted. Paris evicts Rory from their apartment as a result, leaving Rory homeless until Logan convinces her to move in with him. Logan is badly hurt during a Life and Death Brigade stunt gone bad. Rory rushes to his hospital bedside. Rory throws Logan a lavish party at the end of the season to send him off to London, where he will work as part of his father's company.
Zach proposes to Lane, who happily accepts. They get married in two ceremonies. First, a traditional Korean wedding with ceremonial robes and all to appease Lane's grandmother, then a Christian ceremony in her mother's Seventh-Day Adventist faith. At the reception, Lorelai gets drunk and Christopher takes her home.
Christopher's grandfather dies and he inherits a truckload full of money. He wants to share his money with Lorelai and Rory. Lorelai doesn't want anything from him but Rory asks him to help pay for Yale, which he agrees. Lorelai is happy to see a changed Christopher, who is now raising his daughter Gigi on his own.
In the last episode of the season, at a Friday Night dinner, Emily tries to set up Christopher but the set up fails miserably. He convinces Lorelai to help get him out of it, which she does. That same night, when Luke refuses to elope with her, Lorelai turns to Christopher for comfort and ends up sleeping with him.

The present season. As the season opens, Lorelai regrets sleeping with Christopher. She tells Luke what she has done and he punches Christopher.
Lorelai and Christopher eventually begin dating. While taking Gigi to Paris to visit her mother, the couple elope. Rory is surprised and less than happy with her parents wedding because she was not consulted about it or part of the wedding.
Christopher has a hard time adjusting to life in Stars Hollow. The towns people see him as an outsider and liking him would mean being disloyal to Luke. Luke and Christopher come to blows before Christmas.
Rory and Logan pursue a long-distance relationship with him working in London. She makes some new friends, Olivia and Lucy, who is dating Marty, a co-ed Rory met her first year at Yale but who pretends not to know her. Logan refuses to be part of the charade and tells Lucy the truth about Marty and Rory.
Luke's sister Liz has a baby named Doula.

And now you're all caught up!
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