Alexandria's Little Corner of the World

Quotable Quotes

A few quotes I've had tacked to my bulletin board for a while ...

  • Peace. It's a mood. It's a promise. It's a blessing. Peace is a word you've heard before. Sometimes it's a wish, but it can be a way of life. You can keep it. Disturb it. You can give it a chance. Everybody wants it but it's a hard thing to hold. Peace is the beginning and the end.
  • Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that it'd be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.
  • At my table, I set a place for surprise. I serve opinion and sometimes fact. I simmer good conversation. In the well-lived home, more than eating goes on around the table. It's a place for celebrations. A place for savoring. A place where friendships are forged.

And a card I received from a friend for my birthday this year after having had a difficult time with some friends this past fall:
You always tell us that you learned how to be a friend from us, that you are able to be a good friend to others because you learned what being a good friend means by being in our group. Truth be told, I learned how to be a good friend from your example.

I learned from you that when two hands aren't enough for a person, a friend offers her own, a third and fourth hand without question and without hesitation. When we are blinded by love or infatuation or simply don't have perspective on a situation, a friend offers her own eyes and a nudge in the right direction. And when a good cry is the only remedy for life's heartaches and problems, a friend offers her shoulders and all the time necessary for those tears to come and to dry.

You are a good friend. There is no question about that. I have been blessed for the last 22 years to call you a friend. There may be people who don't appreciate your friendship, but that is their loss, not yours.

I know, without a doubt, that when life gets tough you'll be there for me. You'll hold my hand and we'll get through whatever crises together. And when life is sweet you'll be there to laugh with me and to share those times. That's what friends do. That's what you taught me.

And something I wrote to my friend Jen this past summer. She's had a difficult year after having had two miscarriages.

I thought about you last night and this morning. I was sick to my stomach thinking about what you must be going through. So I thought that I would for you what I do best: Write. Maybe my words won't have relevance for what you went through then and what you're going through now, but I hope that they will be somewhat comforting, even if only for you to know that someone else is thinking about you at this time.

Whatever happens now, nobody will ever forget Angel. You will always be his mom and he will always have a father and a big brother.

Sometimes people are brought into our lives for just a short time. I really believe that everybody we meet teaches us something, whether it's something good or bad, it's a life lesson all the same. Some people stay with us for the course of our journey on this earth and others leave us after just a few hours, days, weeks, months. We miss them when they are gone, but the lessons they teach us leave an indelible mark on our lives that we carry with us and pass onto other people as we encounter them.

I don't like to think that our time is too short with such individuals. Rather that God made them so special that they could teach us what they do could in that brief amount of time. And in that brief amount of time they have also provided us with enough love to sustain us through the rest of our lives, as much love as they would've given us if they were living and breathing next to us daily. And long after they are physically gone, we love them all the same as we would love them if we could kiss them or hug them everyday.

You'll teach the rest of the world what Angle taught you: That you're stronger than you realize and that you have a big heart capable of loving earthly creatures but also heavenly things, and so as much as you love your firstborn, you also love Angel. You just love them in different ways, but love them all the same.



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