Alexandria's Little Corner of the World

Margriet & Pieter van Vollenhoven: 40th Anniversary

This coming Wednesday, on January 10, Princess Margriet and her husband, Professor Pieter van Vollenhoven will celebrated their 40th anniversary.

Yesterday, the couple released new pictures of themselves and their family, something I have been waiting for since 2003, when the last van Vollenhoven family was released. Since the last photoshoot there have been four new additions: two more grandchildren in Samuel and Felecia and two more daughter-in-laws in Anita and Aimee. (Pieter-Christiaan and Anita's daughter Emma did not make it into this picture as the photos were taken in Apeldoorn on October 1, while little Emma was born on November 28.)

As a comparison, the family portrait in spring of 2003:
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And the newest family portraits:
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The anniversary couple:
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And with their five grandchildren (notice how much little Lucas - with the glasses - looks like his grandpa Pieter and how enthusiastically Isabella cheers like her grandma!):
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1 Responses to “Margriet & Pieter van Vollenhoven: 40th Anniversary”

  1. # Blogger Elisabeth

    You just got to love them, isn't it? ;-)  

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