As I am not one to share pictures of myself -- and usually I am the one taking the picture trying to capture the memory anyway, -- I thought that the next best thing would be to share pictures of things in my life. The things that I find pretty or things that I love, or the things that I use everyday. I don't mean flashy or expensive things (I don't have any anyways) but things that mean a lot to me as a person or things that contribute something to my life.
So yesterday I shared my scrapbooks and my scrapbooking room, today I will share something that has been a big part of my life for many years: my journals. As a writer and as someone who expresses herself well with words, I have always kept a journal, though through various periods of my life I have written more in them than at other times. I don't usually re-read them after I've written in them, but in the moment, releasing those pent up feelings or emotions, working through thoughts, emotions, frustrations, ideas, etc., or sharing good things that have happened in my life. Sometimes the entries are about dreams or quotes from books or TV, sometimes they are just daily or weekly events and sometimes they are serious.
Part of making the experience of journaling is making my journals personal. I don't usually make my own journals, covering lined books in paper or fabric that I love. I have used everything from fabric and scrapbooking paper to wrapping paper and other textiles I find inspiring or beautiful.

As my family and friends know that journaling is a big part of my life, they have on occasion given me journals. Making them more special is when they bear an image that I have another special affinity for: dragonflies. I received the first one as a Christmas gift from a university roommate one year and the second one was a birthday gift a few years ago from one of my childhood friends.

My present journal:

And all of my journals from the past ten years or so:

So yesterday I shared my scrapbooks and my scrapbooking room, today I will share something that has been a big part of my life for many years: my journals. As a writer and as someone who expresses herself well with words, I have always kept a journal, though through various periods of my life I have written more in them than at other times. I don't usually re-read them after I've written in them, but in the moment, releasing those pent up feelings or emotions, working through thoughts, emotions, frustrations, ideas, etc., or sharing good things that have happened in my life. Sometimes the entries are about dreams or quotes from books or TV, sometimes they are just daily or weekly events and sometimes they are serious.
Part of making the experience of journaling is making my journals personal. I don't usually make my own journals, covering lined books in paper or fabric that I love. I have used everything from fabric and scrapbooking paper to wrapping paper and other textiles I find inspiring or beautiful.

As my family and friends know that journaling is a big part of my life, they have on occasion given me journals. Making them more special is when they bear an image that I have another special affinity for: dragonflies. I received the first one as a Christmas gift from a university roommate one year and the second one was a birthday gift a few years ago from one of my childhood friends.

My present journal:

And all of my journals from the past ten years or so:

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