Alexandria's Little Corner of the World

If I Were a Gilmore Girls Writer ...

So it is 8 p.m. on a Tuesday evening of a new Gilmore Girls episode (7:13: I'd Rather Be in Philadelphia). I have my mug of berry tea and I am feeling a bit nostalgic as the inevitable will continue to happen in tonight's episode: Christopher's character will again take a big hit. I have never been one to sit there and take something quietly, especially not when it comes to my beloved Gilmore Girls, so to heal my heartache a bit, a little imagination time on my part. Bear with me here ...

A few weeks ago on my Gilmore Girls forum, a few of us Balcony Buddies were discussing how the show should end if this is indeed the last season. The show's executive producer David Rosenthal has confessed to being a Luke and Lorelai fan, which means that inevitably the Lorelai and Christopher marriage was doomed from the moment of their Parisian "J'adore" and that the majority of this season has been "filler" for the inevitable Java Junkie reunion.

But as BB fans are nothing if not a hopeful (and stubborn) lot. Some proposed that rather than end up with Luke, if the show ends with Lorelai being single. (Now, this is not a spiteful proposal by BB'ers, just a stab at a bit of realism so that Lorelai doesn't go from the end of her marriage to Christopher right into Luke's arms, but so that she can figure herself out a bit first, too, and ultimately be happier with Luke so that there isn't some lingering questions in her head when the inevitable JJ reunion does happen.) In late August/early September, at the CW launch party, David Sutcliffe, the actor who plays Christopher, said that the show started out as being about two girls figuring life out and doing their stuff and that if the writers ever asked for his opinion about how the show should end, he felt that it should end like that: Two girls figuring life out and doing their stuff.

Based on this ending, if I could write the very last scene of GG, I would propose a full-circle ending scene-wise. I would propose that the very last scene of the entire series be the exact scene that ended the very first episode of the show: With Lorelai and Rory sitting in Luke's diner over coffee and burgers and gabbing. They could gab about what is happening at the Dragonfly Inn and Rory's plans for the future, post-graduation from Yale. If Rosenthal feels that it's necessary to appease the JJ fans, then Luke could come over to pour Lorelai coffee, they could smile at each other or Luke could even confirm date plans with Lorelai for another night. But I am set that the show should end with just Lorelai and Rory.

Of course, if I could have free reign of the rest of the season and Lorelai and Christopher's marriage could stay in tact, then the last scene I would write would be different. The very last scene of the entire series would be Friday night dinner at the Gilmore house. Richard would be in good health and at one end of the table with Emily at the other. On one side would be Lorelai and Christopher and on the other side would be Rory and Gigi. The ultimate meaning behind this would be that the very thing that started Lorelai and Rory's life together -- her being pregnant at 16, not marrying Christopher as everyone wanted, and etching out a life for herself and her daughter -- comes full circle and brings Lorelai back as a mature adult, mother and wife to her parents home. In the end maybe she inevitably does everything her parents wanted her to do in the first place at age 16, but the point is that she did it on her own terms. She took the long way yes, with detours and heartbreak, but she did it her way.

To me this is would be the most satisfying ending rather than the train wreck the writers have Lorelai and Christopher have on at the moment. Lorelai looks like a weak and indecisive persona of her former self. One minute she loves Christopher and is committed to their marriage, the next she's making bedroom eyes at Luke. Christopher isn't faring much better, bordering on jealous lunatic who won't even drink the coffee from his wife's ex-fiancee's shop as if Luke poisoned the coffee. Luke is the only person who's held up okay in this triangle: He's stayed focused on his daughter and fighting for custody of her.

So, David Rosenthal and company, if you're reading this, consider my ending. I'm a writer, I can come up with a script for you!

An hour and a half until the new GG episode!


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