Alexandria's Little Corner of the World

Winter Clean Up

Feeling a bit stir crazy today, and the roads too slippery to get in the car and drive around on undeveloped roads to go house hunting, I decided to clean the house I am currently in. Or rather to sort out one part of it. Namely by bookcase, which is stuffed to the brims with books. In fact new books don't actually even make it into the bookcase because there isn't room anymore, so they lay around on the floor.

So I decided to do a big purge, keeping books by my favourite author Alice Hoffman, my Harry Potter books and other books I might read again as well as books I've bought over the years and never got around to reading (there are way too many of those) on the shelves. Some others that I might read again but don't need to look at everyday, I've packed away into boxes and stored in the basement. And a bigger selection I've put into milk crates to be donated to the library. Most of those were books from university -- I didn't like King Soloman's Mines the first time so I probably wouldn't touch it again unless it was to kill a spider.

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I can actually see to the back of the shelf now! And it means room to buy more books!


1 Responses to “Winter Clean Up”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Hey, young lady, is there anything wrong with my eyes or did you remove "Anna Karenina"? :D Hellooooo?! How dare you?! :D :D :D

    Apart from that incident :D I really like your blog!

    Many kisses,

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