Alexandria's Little Corner of the World

A Lazy Sunday

Today was one of those days when I had no energy to do anything but loaf around the house. Usually Sundays are quiet days for relaxing, but that isn't to say that I don't usually do anything.

A typical Sunday comprises of tidying up like putting laundry away, paying bills and cleaning my desk, and then lunch. After lunch I usually veg in front of the TV (usually a DVD of Gilmore Girls) and scrapbooking, or of late, knitting my scarf. After an hour or two of that I usually put some time in the kitchen, making some meals for lunch through the week. Then it's a mug of tea and back in front of the TV with Gilmore Girls and my scrapbooking again.

But today I was feeling rather lethargic. I grazed over a little bit of pasta salad that I was sent home with from my goddaughter's birthday dinner, so lunch was later than usual, which apparently threw me for a bit of a loop. This afternoon I just vegged in front of the TV with an old tape (yes, I still have VHS tapes) of Mad About You episodes. A friend had mentioned that it was one of her favourite shows earlier in the week and it reminded me that up in a closet shelf I had a box of old VHS tapes with episodes of Mad About You, Friends and Murphy Brown. So I put a tape in and just lay on the couch. I even had a short nap for a bit before remembered that I had laundry in the dryer.

I had forgotten how funny and sweet the show is in it's own simple way. And Paul Reiser and Helen Hunt are pretty good actors, too. And the little baby who played their daughter Mabel (named from the acronym invented by her mom played by Carol Burnett for "Mothers always bring extra love") was so adorable.

One of the episodes I watched today was how Jaime and Paul met: at a newsstand when she took the last paper on the premise that her parents' obituary was in it. She left behind her dry cleaning slip and so he picked it up and tracked her down to her office building, going up the first 31 floors asking every receptionist if someone fitting her description worked there. It made my heart melt and made me wonder why I can't meet guys like that.

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