Alexandria's Little Corner of the World

Cupcakes for Kimberly

It is my goddaughter Kimberly's birthday today. Actually, her birthday is January 26 but there is a dinner for her tonight. In honour of her 11th birthday I have made her cupcakes -- her favourite, chocolate fudge.

Usually I like the frosting to match the cake - eg. white frosting with a white-battered cake or chocolate frosting with a chocolate-battered cake - but while baking, I remembered that I had some sugar crystals from Christmas cookies left over and I thought it would be whimsical (and simple) to just sprinkle them on top. But they would look prettier on white frosting rather than chocolate so I have broken my own rule.

I had originally envisioned sprinkles all across the top of the cupcakes but it was hard to achieve that look without also making a big mess of my kitchen. At first I was taking individual cupcakes and sprinkling the sugar crystals over them with a spoon but they weren't sticking as well to the icing. (Probably because I frosted all the cupcakes first and then did the sugar crystals, when I should have been decorating the cupcakes as I was frosting them. Live and learn.) Failing that, I poured some sugar crystals onto a plate and dipped the tops of the cupcakes into the sugar crystals but then they were coated in a thick layer of sugar crystals which didn't look whimsical anymore. So I went back to spooning the sugar crystals on top.

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