So winter has really come to Toronto. Roads covered with snow and ice and commuter problems. I just wouldn't be Canadian if I didn't complain about the weather, right? In December I complained because there was no snow for Christmas and now I'm complaining because there is snow! (Snow was peaceful yesterday when I could stay indoors. Today, having to go to work and running on the schedule of the train, the snow and the ice weren't so peaceful.)
Last night the sound of the ice pellets hitting my window woke me up a few times, it was that loud. It was like someone was throwing little stones at my window. Today would've been a good day to have a sick day.
This morning I left the house earlier than usual, expecting that there would be GO Train delays since on a day when the sun is shining and the birds are chirping there are "switch problems" or "signal delays." But go figure that on the first day of a severe winter storm the GO Train runs on time! Driving to the train station I drove like a granny and made sure to leave at least a car's length between me and the car in front of me. I'm sure that beneath my mittens, my knuckles had turned white from clenching the steering wheel so hard. Thankfully I made it safely to the train station. The walk to work was slushy and slippery, especially on the roads over the streetcar tracks. The puddles were deep and I was thankful that I didn't wear my kitten heeled boots as I was planning to as I had an event to go to in the afternoon. (Or as the police officer was saying on the news this morning, "Leave your Pradas in the parking lot today. Today is a day for the Kodiaks.")
Then this afternoon I was coming back from the media launch of the stage musical Dirty Dancing at the Royal Alexandra Theatre and through the heavy metal of the cab I could hear the ice pellets hitting the cab. The sound made me think of sprinkles hitting a cookie sheet, only louder and the sound magnified by a thousand. I was glad to be inside the cab and not outside walking on the street.
Our publisher sent us all home early on account of the bad weather, which was very nice of her. We were all glad to get to leave and start our journeys home early. But even getting to take an earlier train and getting to the station 20 minutes before usual, I spent those 20 minutes scraping the snow and ice off my car. It took quite a bit of chipping away at the layers of ice on my door windows, but fortunately at one point the ice on my windshield was coming off in large sheets. I scraped so hard at various points that I thought my actual window was going to crack along with the ice.
Needless to say that when I got through the doors of my house I breathed a bit sign of relief. Tomorrow I get to do it all over again!
Some pictures of today's weather conditions. The last image is of 27-year-old Bissy, a polar bear from the Toronto Zoo, who must be in her element today.

Last night the sound of the ice pellets hitting my window woke me up a few times, it was that loud. It was like someone was throwing little stones at my window. Today would've been a good day to have a sick day.
This morning I left the house earlier than usual, expecting that there would be GO Train delays since on a day when the sun is shining and the birds are chirping there are "switch problems" or "signal delays." But go figure that on the first day of a severe winter storm the GO Train runs on time! Driving to the train station I drove like a granny and made sure to leave at least a car's length between me and the car in front of me. I'm sure that beneath my mittens, my knuckles had turned white from clenching the steering wheel so hard. Thankfully I made it safely to the train station. The walk to work was slushy and slippery, especially on the roads over the streetcar tracks. The puddles were deep and I was thankful that I didn't wear my kitten heeled boots as I was planning to as I had an event to go to in the afternoon. (Or as the police officer was saying on the news this morning, "Leave your Pradas in the parking lot today. Today is a day for the Kodiaks.")
Then this afternoon I was coming back from the media launch of the stage musical Dirty Dancing at the Royal Alexandra Theatre and through the heavy metal of the cab I could hear the ice pellets hitting the cab. The sound made me think of sprinkles hitting a cookie sheet, only louder and the sound magnified by a thousand. I was glad to be inside the cab and not outside walking on the street.
Our publisher sent us all home early on account of the bad weather, which was very nice of her. We were all glad to get to leave and start our journeys home early. But even getting to take an earlier train and getting to the station 20 minutes before usual, I spent those 20 minutes scraping the snow and ice off my car. It took quite a bit of chipping away at the layers of ice on my door windows, but fortunately at one point the ice on my windshield was coming off in large sheets. I scraped so hard at various points that I thought my actual window was going to crack along with the ice.
Needless to say that when I got through the doors of my house I breathed a bit sign of relief. Tomorrow I get to do it all over again!
Some pictures of today's weather conditions. The last image is of 27-year-old Bissy, a polar bear from the Toronto Zoo, who must be in her element today.

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