Today it has finally snowed here. Enough of the white stuff at least to stick to the ground and not melt away as the day progresses on and the sunlight melts it all away. In early December we had just a thin coating of snow when we woke up but by the time I walked to work it had all melted away leaving only grey concrete.
The world looks so peaceful when it snows, even in suburbia, amidst the driveways and the sidewalks. It feels like a quiet blanket has descended upon the neighbourhood. I love how the tree branches and shrubs are sprinkled with snow, like a dusting of icing sugar. Even the boring grey steps leading up to the front of the house look pretty.
(Please excuse the bareness of the front garden. I am hardly a green thumb and the front garden is the bain of the existence of my neighbours, I'm sure.)

The world looks so peaceful when it snows, even in suburbia, amidst the driveways and the sidewalks. It feels like a quiet blanket has descended upon the neighbourhood. I love how the tree branches and shrubs are sprinkled with snow, like a dusting of icing sugar. Even the boring grey steps leading up to the front of the house look pretty.
(Please excuse the bareness of the front garden. I am hardly a green thumb and the front garden is the bain of the existence of my neighbours, I'm sure.)

Labels: Life
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