Alexandria's Little Corner of the World

The 64th Annual Golden Globe Awards

Tonight is the 64th Annual Golden Globe Awards and for those who know me, they will tell you that it is my equivalent of the World Cup, the Super Bowl and the Stanley Cup and Grey Cup championships all rolled into one. Nothing, not even the Oscars, beats the Golden Globes for me.

They are the first awards show of the season (well, that I really pay attention to because the People's Choice just seems like a waste of time) and they are so much fun. Sure the Oscars have a certain level of prestige, but the Globes are much less uptight. The booze is free flowing and someone inevitably shows up on stage to present and award or to accept one just a wee bit sloshed, which is always fun if you're watching.

I will have to hold off my fashion commentary until tomorrow, when I've had sufficient time to review all the style choices made since it wouldn't be fair otherwise of course!

But so far ... George Clooney presented the first award, so the first minute of the show was already off to a good start! (Be still my beating heart!) And Meryl Streep won an award for The Devil Wears Prada, and made an acceptance speech that was funny in her unique drole sense of humour, the kind where she makes a deadpanned serious comment that is actually capped off with sarcasm, like how Emily Blunt (who looked beautiful in her dress and herself a winner already), Anne Hathaway and Stanley Tucci had to work so hard to make her look so bitchy. You gotta love Meryl!

And America Ferrera won for her role on Ugly Betty, a show I've only just started watching but really like, which is fitting of the Golden Globes to embrace shows that the usual awards shows wouldn't. She's all teary in accepting her award, which makes me all teary! I think she's very pretty in a wholesome, natural way and it speaks to the level of good acting she is able to pull off in each episode in letting that warmth shine through all those clothing layers, braces and thick glasses!

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