Alexandria's Little Corner of the World

Oh Starry Cups

This morning, as it was extra cold at minus 24 degrees celcius, I walked underground to work. And of course walking underground means not just keeping warm for an extra 10 minutes, but it also means shopping along the way. While all the clothes shops are having great sales, nothing in the stores is screaming at me.

This morning something compelled me to stray a bit off course on the way to work however. Perhaps it was the aroma of freshly-brewed coffee that compelled me to head into Starbucks. There I got not coffee, but the prettiest little coffee cups from the Starbucks Holiday collection.

The special thing about them is that there is a star pattern cut out of the bottom of the cup. And when I got up to the cash register with the last two in this pattern, the cashier told me that the saucers came with them. Even better they were on sale for 75% off! Score! To make the purchase even sweeter, the saucers have a star cut out that lies on top of the plate so that the cup and the saucer are like a puzzle piece.

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