A New Do for Crown Princess Mary
0 Comments Published by Alexandria on Friday, January 26, 2007 at 8:37 p.m..
Today, when Mary attended an engagement at the Museum of Copenhagen on behalf of the Children's Aid Foundation, she was sporting a new do. A shoulder-length bob that is a big contrast to the long locks that used to flow down her back. After the initial shock of seeing the pictures this morning at The Royal Realm, and now having consumed some caffeine and had some proper food, looking at the pictures again, the look is growing on me for Mary. It makes her look older yes, but it also makes her look more professional.
Of all the princesses, I'm surprised that she has been the one to cut her hair so short. She seems to be one of those who has embraced the glamour part of her new life the most with a wardrobe to match her new life. For me, the image of a princess always goes hand in hand with long hair -- all the better for those up-dos and French twists with your tiara. It's certainly do-able still of course with short hair, but it just takes a bit more work.
Of all the princesses, I'm surprised that she has been the one to cut her hair so short. She seems to be one of those who has embraced the glamour part of her new life the most with a wardrobe to match her new life. For me, the image of a princess always goes hand in hand with long hair -- all the better for those up-dos and French twists with your tiara. It's certainly do-able still of course with short hair, but it just takes a bit more work.

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