7:12 - To Whom It May Concern
2 Comments Published by Alexandria on Wednesday, January 31, 2007 at 8:07 p.m..

Last night was a new episode of Gilmore Girls entitled "To Whom It May Concern."
Show summary: Sookie is acting weirdly about a ski trip she and Jackson are taking, during which time Lorelai is babysitting Davey and Martha. Lorelai and Jackson later figure out that Sookie is acting weirdly because she is pregnant. On a walk around town, Lorelai reminds Sookie about all the great things about babies and Sookie warms up to the idea of being pregnant for a third time.
Luke and Anna are in court for custody of April. The judge reads out a character reference written by Lorelai on Luke's behalf. In it, she states that Luke has been like a father-figure to her daughter Rory and that once Luke is in your life, he's always in your life. She also says that to not allow Luke to be a father to April would be depriving April of one of the best things in her life. The following day, the judge grants Luke shared custody of April with weekend visits once a month, every other holiday and a month during the summer. He calls Lorelai to share the good news.
Inevitably, because Lorelai wasn't up front about writing the letter, Christopher accidentally finds the letter while searching for the leveler for the big flat screen TV he is installing. He gets upset, naturally. When Lorelai comes home from Sookie and Jackson's, Christopher confronts Lorelai about the letter and says that he thought he could be second best but he can't anymore and storms out of their house.
Rory leaves Lucy a letter of explanation in regards to not admitting that she knew Marty. In the dining hall with Paris, Rory spots Lucy who has not replied to her yet. Paris confronts Lucy and Lucy forgives Rory.
At the end of the episode, during a lecture at Yale, Richard slumps over the podium and clutches his heart. The screen fades to black and Rory's voice can be heard yelling "Somebody call 911."
Plus Lauren Graham was credited as a producer for the first time in last night's episode.
My commentary: With Sookie's pregnancy and Lane already expecting twins, I think this is Stars Hollow's biggest baby boom. Three new babies in the coming year! If only Kirk's girlfriend Lulu would get pregnant, too!
I'm so glad Rory and Lucy have reconciled with some sledding with cafeteria trays. I just couldn't handle another episode of Rory moping over Lucy or some fake exchanges between Rory and Marty. I used to think Marty was cute during that first year at Yale, but when he came back this season, he was a pathetic, dorky guy. Enough already! Let Rory move on and let Alexis Bledel do something more!
And thank goodness for the return of Paris. I had forgotten how much I missed the spitfire in Paris until last night. I love her "calls things as I see things" attitude and how she took charge of the Rory and Lucy situation and about her and Rory's last semester at Yale. As always, Paris was aiming high and forcing Rory to do the same. Paris is a nice contrast to the wishy washiness of Lucy and Olivia.
The show started off with Lorelai, Rory and Christopher at Friday night dinner with Emily and Richard. After leaving the house all three revealed crumpled napkins with the famed snail recipe Emily had tracked down, and a discussion of how to get rid of the snails without Emily finding out. It was a pretty funny moment, especially when Rory mentioned the "chicken kiev incident from 2002."
And so now the big stuff: the eternal Luke/Lorelai/Christopher triangle.
And so now I see that this is how they will turn Christopher into a bad guy, thus making Luke the good guy and therefore Lorelai has no choice but to end her marriage to Christopher and jump back into Luke's arms.
The precursor incident happens at the very beginning of the show when Sookie brings over muffin tops and coffee from Luke's. First Lorelai reacts weirdly when Sookie tells her the coffee is from Luke's, then when Christopher comments that it's good coffee, Lorelai says it's from Luke's diner and Christopher pushes the cup away. Why exactly? Do the cups from Luke's diner have cooties? Did Luke know that the coffee was for Lorelai so he licked all of the cups? It's just coffee. While I can see that it might be awkward or uncomfortable to be drinking coffee from your wife's ex-fiancee's diner, get over it. It's coffee. Is he 13 and won't drink the slushee made by the pimply-faced ex-boyfriend? It was all a bit melodramatic for my taste. It reminded me of Lucy's tantrum when she found out Marty and Rory had lied to her about not knowing each other. At least Lucy had good reason to be angry.
Christopher later finds the letter for Luke is rightfully angry with Lorelai. He says that she still loves Luke and that's why she didn't want to move away from Stars Hollow. He says that he thought he could be second best but he can't and storms out of the house. The next morning Lorelai wakes up and realizes that Christopher has not slept in their bed.
This scene makes it seem as if Christopher is indeed 13. Yes he was angry and I agree with why he was angry, and I get that he needed to cool off but to not go back to your own home for the entire night? Where was he and what was he doing all night? And did he stop to think about all the other reason why Lorelai might want to continue to live in Stars Hollow other than Luke? Like maybe she spent the last 20+ years of her life there, she has friends there, and she has a business there. It was clear from the coffee scene that she hadn't been to Luke's since she and Christopher were married, or even before that, after she and Luke broke up. What kind of irrationality is this coming from Christopher?
The next episode (7:13 - I'd Rather Be in Philadelphia) doesn't fare well for Christopher either. Richard is in the hospital and Christopher is no where to be found. The CW previews show Loreali trying to call Christopher and saying something along the lines that he's her husband and that [his disappearance] isn't right. But who does show up? Luke of all people.
I just hate how they are ruining Christopher's character in this way. I get that the majority of fans want Luke and Lorelai back together but to get there does Christopher's character have to be stripped of his dignity? And in doing so don't they realize that it will destroy whatever friendship he and Lorelai have but also any relationship he might have with Rory?
Labels: Gilmore Girls
So, I'm Fernanda's friend who is completely addicted to Chantal's music and to Gilmore Girls... =)
I agree with almost everything you said about this last GG episode... not everything cause well, I'm a crazy Java Junkie ever since that Angel-you've-got-wings thing but I have a tiny Balcony Buddy side so I understand you, hehe
Hope we get a chance to chat some time \o
see you ^^
Most of my time listening to any music is at work, and this is a great song for when I need to get a lot of annoying
repetitive tasks done. Actually, the ad featured U2's Original of the Species from the Vertigo: Live From Chicago DVD. This is Daft Punk's first new material since
the soundtrack for "Tron: Legacy" in 2010.
my site: daft punk random access memories zip rar