Tomorrow, Queen Beatrix will celebrate her 69th birthday, and in celebration of it, the Dutch royal court has released a new picture of Trix with her seven grandchildren.
Little Eloise (to the left of the queen, holding her baby sister Leonore) looks like a mini Laurentien and is beaming from ear to ear. She's all teeth that Eloise!
And Amalia looks so grown up in this picture, even from her pictures from her birthday at the beginning of December she looks older. I think it's the longer hair and the longish pants. And what cute tops Maxima has dressed her two girls in, and how Amalia is in green pants and Alexia is in red ones. But what is with Luana's outfit? She looks like the poor little servant's kid who snuck into the picture at the last minute. Couldn't Mabel find her eldest daughter something nicer to wear than what was in the dirty laundry hamper? I'd even settle for something with bows than this striped shirt and pants with the socks pulled up nearly to the knee caps. You got Amalia and Alexia dressed in matching floral blouses, Eloise in tights and a cardigan, Claus-Casimir in a button up shirt while Luana is in some mismatched outfit and Zaria has no socks. Come on Mabel, pull your kids together!
Little Eloise (to the left of the queen, holding her baby sister Leonore) looks like a mini Laurentien and is beaming from ear to ear. She's all teeth that Eloise!
And Amalia looks so grown up in this picture, even from her pictures from her birthday at the beginning of December she looks older. I think it's the longer hair and the longish pants. And what cute tops Maxima has dressed her two girls in, and how Amalia is in green pants and Alexia is in red ones. But what is with Luana's outfit? She looks like the poor little servant's kid who snuck into the picture at the last minute. Couldn't Mabel find her eldest daughter something nicer to wear than what was in the dirty laundry hamper? I'd even settle for something with bows than this striped shirt and pants with the socks pulled up nearly to the knee caps. You got Amalia and Alexia dressed in matching floral blouses, Eloise in tights and a cardigan, Claus-Casimir in a button up shirt while Luana is in some mismatched outfit and Zaria has no socks. Come on Mabel, pull your kids together!

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