Alexandria's Little Corner of the World

"I'll Never Feel as Safe Again"

On Thursday evening, as is my daily habit, when I got home I called my parents. I usually talk with her about my day for 10 to 15 minutes or so as I'm making my dinner. And if I get stuck about what to make for dinner, she can always come up with something if I tell her what is in my fridge or my cupboards. But on this evening, when I called no one answered. I wasn't worried at first. It was snowing here and so it wouldn't be unusual for my parents (who work together) to get home later than usual because the drive home is longer. But half an hour later than they usually get home, I got a bit worried so I called my mom's cell phone. Luckily she answered. Except to say that she and my dad were at the police station. Their car had been stolen outside of their workplace.

After that, I lost my appetite and just absent-mindedly picked at some food while I waited for my mom to get home and call me back. In the meantime I frantically called my brother and sister to see if they knew anything else. But they didn't.

So as it turned out, my dad went out to the car when it was time to leave but couldn't find his keys. So he went back inside to look for them. When he went back outside two minutes later, the car was gone.

I should say that my parents don't drive anything special. They drive a 2003 Toyota Matrix. Hardly a BMW or a Mercedes. it doesn't even have a leather interior or a sunroof or anything. Hardly a car that screams "Steal me!"

So they have filed a police report and called their insurance guy and now they have to wait. Their insurance agent says that they have to wait 30 days before anything happens. If the car is found then they will assess the state it's in before determining what happens.

In the end, it's a car and nobody was in the car when it was taken. It could have been a lot worst. But my mom says that she feel violated from the experience and that she'll never feel safe again at work. It's a place that she goes to everyday, it's not a place that she can avoid. The police said that it was a possibility that whomever took the car had been watching the routine of the people who worked there for a while and knew everyone's habits -- which only made my mom feel more violated.


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