Alexandria's Little Corner of the World

Morning Sickness

Before anyone jumps to any crazy conclusions based on the title of this post, I am not pregnant!

This morning however, I did have my head in the toilet for the first half hour, the result of some incredibly strong medication I am taking for my mysterious skin outbreak, hives which started in the fall and never went away no matter what I did. Last night I took my first dosage of it, which was the stronger dosage -- two pills -- while this morning I only had to take one. Last night after taking the pills I was fine. This morning however was a whole other story. Within five minutes of taking it, I suddenly felt nauseous and found myself running to the bathroom. When I felt well enough to actually leave the bathroom, I sat on the couch for a few minutes and when I stood up to get ready for work (there was no chance of staying home since I am preparing for a big presentation to our company president that happens tomorrow) I felt dizzy and my legs felt tingly.

I tried to drink some water to keep myself from dehydrating but even a bit of water made me want to throw up.

I called the pharmacist when I got to work to see if vomitting was a normal reaction to the medication. She said no. When I explained that I thought the empty stomach was causing the reaction, she reminded me that I had to take it on an empty stomach. She conceded finally that I could take the morning pills with something, like a piece of toast, but absolutely not with any dairy products (the medication binds to dairy products, making it inactive).


2 Responses to “Morning Sickness”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Poor you! I had some strange morning sickness 3 years ago and it lasted 4-5 days... and only in the morning. So strange... You can only imagine how nervous my mum was, even though I was only 16 and there was, yyyyy, no reason to think about me as a pregnant "woman" LOL LOL LOL Once she stared at my sad, pale face and asked "Are you sure you haven't done anything stupid?!". I answered: "No mum, I didn't eat anything strange yesterday" and she: "You know perfectly well what I mean!" LOL Mums are so weird...
    I still have no idea why I had those sickness... I had USG and other examinations and everything was okay with me. After those 4-5 days it simply disappeared.

    By the way, it's my first comment and I want to say I love your new blog! Great job!


  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Here comes Aunt ;) Teresa with some advices:

    1. Never, ever, take any pills - unless your doctor tells you so ;) - before going to bed. You have your pills one hour or so before bedtime, and have some cookie after it. Your dinner digestion may have started and throwing only pills into your stomach to mingle with the stomach fluids and they will make a party out of it - the result is their hangover ;) ahahahahahah.
    To prevent the vomiting thing :(, as soon as you feel you're going to, air your bathroom making it fresh and windy if possible (ok, next post will be about your neumonia :D ahahahah) and put your wrists under cold water and concentrate in something else - works for me!
    Even if you have to take those pills with empty stomach you could drink a tiny cup (coffee size) of sweet and hot tea (with sweet I mean with sugar no sweetening products)...
    Diary products are obviously forbidden - at night and at morning because many of those pills loose their active properties when mingled with milk for example.
    Get Well my Dear!
    At least you know that in 9 months you won't be abble to sleep more than 2 hours in a row - it's just those damn pills ;)!  

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