Alexandria's Little Corner of the World

The Organized Girl's Guide to Finances

So, I've been reading my Home Girl book about buying a house on my own. As expected, a lot of it is devoted to finances, which has inspired me to get my own finances organized as I prepare to get pre-approved for a mortgage. (Yikes!) I figured that it wouldn't help me if I showed up at the bank or to meet the mortgage broker with my assorted papers falling out of a file folder in a chaotic mess.

So, with my trusty label maker (an organized girl's best friend!), I went to work on a file folder rack that I bought.

In less than half an hour my finances were in order, labelled into various files related to work contracts and pay stubs, bank statements, RRSPs and other investment statements, taxes and all documents related to my car and insurance.

Tell me which bank wouldn't loan a girl like me money for her own home?!


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