Alexandria's Little Corner of the World

Luxembourg Visit to Belgium

This week, from March 20 to March 22, Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria-Teresa paid an official visit to Belgium. It was also a bit of a family visit: King Albert is Grand Duke Henri's uncle. (The Grand Duke's mom, the late Grand Duchess Josephine was King Albert's sister.)

Their first day was a bit of a windy one, but Maria Teresa looked so elegant in her cream knee-length jacket with the beading around the mid-section. For the evening banquet she donned a pretty purple number, but unfortunately she thought that it would be fashionable to match her dress to her lipstick. Thumbs down to that one. Queen Paola, who looked rather humerous earlier in the day in her tangerine-coloured balloon skirt, looked much better in her sequined and glittery black ensemble. Crown Princess Mathilde looked smashing in her fuschia pink gown -- very pretty alongside Maria Teresa's purple number.

The Grand Ducal couple were so cute throughout this trip: Holding hands and whispering to each other. Twenty-six years of marriage, five kids and a grandson later, they are still ever so in love. So sweet to see!

Plus the Grand Duchess looked very elegant and stylish during this trip.

I have acquired a new respect for this couple.

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