Fate can linger in anything and everything. The smallest and most mundane of things, like a billboard advertising a lunch special just as your stomach growls, or directly in people who tell you about jobs in the field you want to pursue.
On Tuesday, fate came in an e-mail. I shop occasionally from Chapters Indigo (the Canadian equivalent of Amazon), and occasionally I receive e-mails with special or recommendations. In Tuesday's e-mail there was a recommendation for a book called Home Girl: The Single Woman's Guide to Buying Real Estate in Canada by Brenda Bouw. It's as if Chapters knew that I had started house hunting up again and that I was actively pursuing it and that this book could help me navigate the waters or buying a home.

The book description:
Statistics show that Canadian women now outnumber men in buying a house or condo. Women see the value in owning property. They are no longer waiting for, or expecting, a “Mr. Right” to come along before taking one of the key financial steps of their lives. Such is the case with the author of Home Girls: The Single Woman’s Guide to Buying Real Estate in Canada
Brenda Bouw’s own experiences in buying and selling real estate, and those of other single women she interviewed for the book—as well as insights from real estate professionals—are built into this informative and entertaining guide. If you are looking at buying a first property, you’ll find out about the pitfalls you need to avoid and the necessary steps you must take to make that purchase a success story. If you already own real estate, you might be interested in renovating your house, buying an investment property or even becoming a landlord. Here are some of the key concepts:
- How to tell if you’re ready to own your own home
- What to look for in a house
- The role of a real estate agent
- The offer, the deal, the closing and the aftermath
- The dozens of little expenses that you might not be aware of before it’s time to pay for them
- What renovations to tackle yourself, and when it’s time to call a pro
- How to become a landlord—and if you really want to be one
If this doesn't scream "Alex at this present moment in time" then I don't know what does!
I came home yesterday and found my Amazon order in my mail. Guess what I'll be reading (and probably highlighting and making notes from) over the next few days?!
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