Alex Loves: Open Kitchen Shelving
1 Comments Published by Alexandria on Saturday, April 7, 2007 at 7:37 p.m..

One of the best things about scrapbooking is that you learn a little something about yourself. You realize how subconsciously you gravitate to the same things over and over again, no matter how many magazines you look at and how different the publications or where they come from. Whether it's a Canadian or an American magazine (not much difference usually trend wise), British or Australian, the same ideas prevail over and over, albeit in different forms. And over and over again I find that I have ripped out the same page or clipped the same idea.
While working on my latest spurt of scrapbooking, I've realized that lately I am loving something new: open kitchen shelving. Simple wooden (and sometimes metal or steel) planks that showcase your wares. It can be rustic, charmingly country or cozy cottage kind of shelving with raw, unfinished wood or painted white. It can be polished suburban with dark-stained shelves. Or it can be city chic with metal or steel shelves.
However it's done, it serves both a practical purpose as well as an exhibitionist one. On the one hand such shelving usually takes up valuable cabinetry space, so the shelves contain items that otherwise would be in the cabinets. On the other hand, housewares are so beautiful these days and we spend so much money on them that they should be shown off and displayed in all their beauty and glory like fine museum pieces.
Below, a few examples of open shelving in the kitchen. Some are more practical than others, while others are clearly for show and the serving platters and glasses may just be gathering dust.

Number 3 is my favourite. It takes up a lot of valuable room for sure, but the mixing bowls and salad bowls of different materials and textures are artfully displayed.
Number 4 seems very British to me. I don't know why, but it feels like something one would see in a British cottage. I love that a matted photograph has found its place in the kitchen. This kitchen also keeps its harmony with the appliances, countertop, cupboards, shelving and dishes all in white and glasses and the cakestand in clear glass.
Number 6 is a bit different. No open shelving but cabinets with glass doors so that you can see what's inside as well as you could see them if they were displayed out in the open. A good alternative.
This also marks the first of my "Alex Loves" series, something I hope to add to in the future as I discover more things that I love.
Labels: Alex Loves, Home decor
Dear Alex Loves,
I found some nice quotes about scrapbooking that reflects what you say about your love for it.
Just as pieces stitched together in a quilt warm our bodies, scrapbooks bind together memories to warm our hearts.
When life gives you scraps, make something with them.
Keep some souvenirs of your past, or how will you ever prove it wasn't all a dream?
And if one day you find a soul mate who likes it too:
The album we've made is much more than a book.
It's worth even more than the time that it took.
You could share the adiction together :D!
If not ;) :
My husband lets me have all the scrapbooking supplies I can hide.