7:16 - Will You By Lorelai Gilmore?
0 Comments Published by Alexandria on Thursday, March 1, 2007 at 7:43 p.m..
This week’s episode was entitled “Will You Be My Lorelai Gilmore?,” a question Lane poses to Rory, to be an adult that her twins can go to when they need an escape, as Lorelai was to Lane while she was growing up.

Show summary: Lorelai and Rory are in charge of throwing a baby shower for Lane. Lane and her mom however have had a fight about how various things, such as what her kids — twin boys apparently — will and will not eat (like fried shrimp) and whether they will attend church and Sunday school regularly. Lorelai acts as an intermediary, negotiating the conditions of Lane and Zach’s sons’ upbringing between mother and daughter.
Liz and TJ put Luke’s boat up for sale, unbeknownst to him, to turn their garage into a studio for Liz’s jewellery making. When Luke goes to claim it, Liz tells him that the boat is holding him back like it held their dad (it was their dad’s boat, which Luke refinished in an earlier season). She tells him that their dad was stuck and afraid to do anything else in life and that Luke. Luke sells the boat to Kirk — who names it the SS Lurk for him and Luke — and ends up buying a bigger boat.
Luke also calls April in New Mexico, trying to make plans for the summer with her. He wants to take her to Disneyworld. But April tells him that that’s not his thing and that she’s happy to spend the summer filling up salt shakers.
Rory meets up with an editor from the New York Times to talk about possible journalism opportunities following graduation.
Logan tells Rory about his failed internet deal and how he’s lost his money, his dad’s money and the money of their investors. He later skips Lane’s baby shower to go to Vegas with Colin and Finn.
My commentary: The townies are back! The townies are back! How I have missed seeing Babette, Miss Patty, Kirk, Gypsy, Mrs. Kim, Lane, Zach and the whole gang all together. No Taylor, but I got nearly everyone else, so I am a happy gal!
This episode was also hilarious. There were some great lines in it.
Like at the beginning when Lorelai was decorating her place for the shower (where it was originally supposed to be held before it was moved to Miss Patty’s dance studio), Sookie was reading an old issue of In Touch magazine. She commented on what was going on with Britney [Spears] and Kevin [Federline] and then about Britney driving a car with her baby on her lap. Lorelai told her that it was an old issue and that Britney and Kevin were now getting divorced and that “Surprisingly, he turned out to be a stabilizing force in her life.” I wonder if that line was slipped because of Britney’s latest antics with shaving her head and checking herself in and out of rehab?
Or Kirk declaring himself amongst literary notables such as Dickens and Hemingway because he penned a classified ad for a dining set that his mom wanted him to sell.
Or later when Kirk enters Luke’s Diner:
Kirk: Word on the street is you want to sell your boat.
Luke: I called you.
Kirk: But I was on the street when you called me.
And after that, Kirk and Luke’s “negotiation” of the sale of the boat. Luke wants $600 for it. Kirk’s counter offer: $590. When they finally settle on $595, Kirk mutters “sucker” under his breath to Luke.
Or Mrs. Kim in reply to Lorelai’s inquiry about whether business at Kim’s Antiques was going well: “People die, they go bankrupt. There is always furniture to sell.”
Or when Lorelai is trying to talk to Mrs. Kim about the Bible, she references the musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.
The selling of Luke’s boat served two purposes. On the one hand it provided very funny material. Like Kirk naming it the SS Lurk and then asking Lorelai if she wanted to be Ginger to Lulu’s Mary Anne and then Rory asking if Kirk even had a driver’s licence.
On a more serious note, the boat represented the change in Luke’s personality, to reassure audiences I guess that the Luke of last season who shut Lorelai out of his life and was uncommunicative, is a thing of the past. He was letting go of the things that were holding him back in his life — presumably so that he could move on (soon!) with Lorelai. While I am not crazy about this eventual reunion, I am glad that the writers had some respect for the personalities of the charactes from the last six seasons and that when Luke mentioned he had sold his dad’s boat and bought a new one in the span of an afternoon, Lorelai notes that it used to take him a week to buy a shirt. Luke’s reply is that “things change.” (But does a giraffe really change its spots?)
But even though some things may change, others apparently do not. Like Luke not really knowing his daughter. It seemed out of place that Luke would want to take April to Disneyworld for the summer. Not that he isn’t a good father, but it seems like a stereotypical family holiday and April certainly isn’t a stereotypical 12/13 year old. This is a girl who found her dad by doing a DNA test of his hair for her sciene fair project. She asked for a rock polisher for Christmas. Is this a girl who would be happy and excited to shake hands with Mickey Mouse? Certainly Disneyworld is not Luke’s cup of tea, no matter how much he loves his daughter. And even April knew that it was a stretch for Luke since she told him that she would be happy to spend the summer filling up salt shakers at the diner.
And obviously Liz’s point that the boat was held their boat back was a broader illusion about Luke and how he’s being held back from living his life fully.
The irony of Lane’s kids possibly wanting to go to church and to have religion as an aspect of their life is hilarious! Lane’s kids mad for religion and hiding the Bible and Christian music in the floorboards of their bedroom as Lane hid rock music in hers — hilarious!
Did the time skip a few weeks in Stars Hollow since the last episode ended with Logan’s birthday? Because in this episode Logan tells Rory about the failed internet venture and that he’s known for a few weeks now. When he got the phone call at the end of last week’s episode it seemed a surprise to him, yet in this episode he comes home drunk (presumably because he’s been drowning his sorrows over the failed deal).
And as there is a time jump, I guess this would also mean that Lorelai and Christopher have at least been separated for a few weeks, so that it wouldn’t be as if Lorelai went from ending her marriage to Christopher straight to Luke in a matter of a month or so. ... And speaking of Christopher, at the baby shower the Miss Patty asks her how things are since her marriage to Christopher ended and Lorelai looks wistful and says that she’s okay. At least they depicted Lorelai looking remorseful (or I wonder if that was something Lauren Graham injected?) rather than doing a happy dance and a beaming smile.
Melissa McCartney, who plays Sookie, also looked really good in this episode. Her hair was great and the outfit she wore to the baby shower was lovely. Pregnancy obviously agrees with her.

Show summary: Lorelai and Rory are in charge of throwing a baby shower for Lane. Lane and her mom however have had a fight about how various things, such as what her kids — twin boys apparently — will and will not eat (like fried shrimp) and whether they will attend church and Sunday school regularly. Lorelai acts as an intermediary, negotiating the conditions of Lane and Zach’s sons’ upbringing between mother and daughter.
Liz and TJ put Luke’s boat up for sale, unbeknownst to him, to turn their garage into a studio for Liz’s jewellery making. When Luke goes to claim it, Liz tells him that the boat is holding him back like it held their dad (it was their dad’s boat, which Luke refinished in an earlier season). She tells him that their dad was stuck and afraid to do anything else in life and that Luke. Luke sells the boat to Kirk — who names it the SS Lurk for him and Luke — and ends up buying a bigger boat.
Luke also calls April in New Mexico, trying to make plans for the summer with her. He wants to take her to Disneyworld. But April tells him that that’s not his thing and that she’s happy to spend the summer filling up salt shakers.
Rory meets up with an editor from the New York Times to talk about possible journalism opportunities following graduation.
Logan tells Rory about his failed internet deal and how he’s lost his money, his dad’s money and the money of their investors. He later skips Lane’s baby shower to go to Vegas with Colin and Finn.
My commentary: The townies are back! The townies are back! How I have missed seeing Babette, Miss Patty, Kirk, Gypsy, Mrs. Kim, Lane, Zach and the whole gang all together. No Taylor, but I got nearly everyone else, so I am a happy gal!
This episode was also hilarious. There were some great lines in it.
Like at the beginning when Lorelai was decorating her place for the shower (where it was originally supposed to be held before it was moved to Miss Patty’s dance studio), Sookie was reading an old issue of In Touch magazine. She commented on what was going on with Britney [Spears] and Kevin [Federline] and then about Britney driving a car with her baby on her lap. Lorelai told her that it was an old issue and that Britney and Kevin were now getting divorced and that “Surprisingly, he turned out to be a stabilizing force in her life.” I wonder if that line was slipped because of Britney’s latest antics with shaving her head and checking herself in and out of rehab?
Or Kirk declaring himself amongst literary notables such as Dickens and Hemingway because he penned a classified ad for a dining set that his mom wanted him to sell.
Or later when Kirk enters Luke’s Diner:
Kirk: Word on the street is you want to sell your boat.
Luke: I called you.
Kirk: But I was on the street when you called me.
And after that, Kirk and Luke’s “negotiation” of the sale of the boat. Luke wants $600 for it. Kirk’s counter offer: $590. When they finally settle on $595, Kirk mutters “sucker” under his breath to Luke.
Or Mrs. Kim in reply to Lorelai’s inquiry about whether business at Kim’s Antiques was going well: “People die, they go bankrupt. There is always furniture to sell.”
Or when Lorelai is trying to talk to Mrs. Kim about the Bible, she references the musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.
The selling of Luke’s boat served two purposes. On the one hand it provided very funny material. Like Kirk naming it the SS Lurk and then asking Lorelai if she wanted to be Ginger to Lulu’s Mary Anne and then Rory asking if Kirk even had a driver’s licence.
On a more serious note, the boat represented the change in Luke’s personality, to reassure audiences I guess that the Luke of last season who shut Lorelai out of his life and was uncommunicative, is a thing of the past. He was letting go of the things that were holding him back in his life — presumably so that he could move on (soon!) with Lorelai. While I am not crazy about this eventual reunion, I am glad that the writers had some respect for the personalities of the charactes from the last six seasons and that when Luke mentioned he had sold his dad’s boat and bought a new one in the span of an afternoon, Lorelai notes that it used to take him a week to buy a shirt. Luke’s reply is that “things change.” (But does a giraffe really change its spots?)
But even though some things may change, others apparently do not. Like Luke not really knowing his daughter. It seemed out of place that Luke would want to take April to Disneyworld for the summer. Not that he isn’t a good father, but it seems like a stereotypical family holiday and April certainly isn’t a stereotypical 12/13 year old. This is a girl who found her dad by doing a DNA test of his hair for her sciene fair project. She asked for a rock polisher for Christmas. Is this a girl who would be happy and excited to shake hands with Mickey Mouse? Certainly Disneyworld is not Luke’s cup of tea, no matter how much he loves his daughter. And even April knew that it was a stretch for Luke since she told him that she would be happy to spend the summer filling up salt shakers at the diner.
And obviously Liz’s point that the boat was held their boat back was a broader illusion about Luke and how he’s being held back from living his life fully.
The irony of Lane’s kids possibly wanting to go to church and to have religion as an aspect of their life is hilarious! Lane’s kids mad for religion and hiding the Bible and Christian music in the floorboards of their bedroom as Lane hid rock music in hers — hilarious!
Did the time skip a few weeks in Stars Hollow since the last episode ended with Logan’s birthday? Because in this episode Logan tells Rory about the failed internet venture and that he’s known for a few weeks now. When he got the phone call at the end of last week’s episode it seemed a surprise to him, yet in this episode he comes home drunk (presumably because he’s been drowning his sorrows over the failed deal).
And as there is a time jump, I guess this would also mean that Lorelai and Christopher have at least been separated for a few weeks, so that it wouldn’t be as if Lorelai went from ending her marriage to Christopher straight to Luke in a matter of a month or so. ... And speaking of Christopher, at the baby shower the Miss Patty asks her how things are since her marriage to Christopher ended and Lorelai looks wistful and says that she’s okay. At least they depicted Lorelai looking remorseful (or I wonder if that was something Lauren Graham injected?) rather than doing a happy dance and a beaming smile.
Melissa McCartney, who plays Sookie, also looked really good in this episode. Her hair was great and the outfit she wore to the baby shower was lovely. Pregnancy obviously agrees with her.
Labels: Gilmore Girls
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