Alexandria's Little Corner of the World


Cranberry Kick
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1 shot vodka

1 shot cranberry liqueur
1 dash lime juice

Cranberry juice to top

Welcome to the World Infanta Sofia!

The royal baby boom wrapped up this month with the arrival of Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia's little girl, Infanta Sofia born today at Madrid's Ruber Internacional Hospital at 16:50 p.m. The little girl, who is named for her maternal grandmother, Queen Sofia (born Princess Sophie of Greece) weighed 3.310 grams and 50 centimeters.

The Prince of Asturias's first phone call was to his father, King Juan Carlos, to announce the arrival of the King's eighth grandchild. Queen Sofia was in the air, flying from Moscow (returning from the funeral of Russian cellist Mstislav Rostropovich) to Madrid, but congratulated her son via a text message (how thoroughly modern!). Infanta Cristina, who was with her husband Inaki Urdangarin attending a tennis match received a call on her cell phone during the middle of the game. Infanta Elena was also contacted about the arrival of her niece.

Princess Letizia's mother, Paloma Rocasolano, was present at the hospital when her granddaughter was born.

Tomorrow, Infanta Leonor will meet her baby sister.

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Lille Pigen Goes Home

On Monday, the world got its first glimpse of the newest addition to the Danish royal family when Crown Princess Mary left the hospital with the "lille pigen," Danish for "little girl," a nickname Mary revealed to the press since the baby's name will not be known until her baptism (July 1).

Looking much more like a mommy this time around than when she left the hospital, Mary looked relaxed and well as she carried her newborn daughter in her arms. At Fredensborg Palace, Prince Christian joined the presentation, completing the family of four.

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New Picture of the Dutch Crown Princely Family

Today, a new picture of Queen Beatrix with her eldest son, Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and his wife, Crown Princess Maxima with their three children, Princesses Amalia, Alexia and newborn Ariane. They were taken at Villa Eikenhorst in Wassenaar, where the Crown Princely family make their home.

Isn't little Amalia adorable snuggling up to her Grandma Trix like that? It could only be more adorable if Grandma Trix had her arm around Amalia, too! Little Alexia seems to be more somber than her big sister, though, looking a bit more serious.

And because I'm me, I only wish that Maxima had worn different shoes with that outfit. They don't even match!

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Scrapbooking Quotes

Scrapbooking Quotes From Teresa

Just as pieces stitched together in a quilt warm our bodies, scrapbooks bind together memories to warm our hearts.

When life gives you scraps, make something with them.

Keep some souvenirs of your past, or how will you ever prove it wasn't all a dream?

The album we've made is much more than a book.
It's worth even more than the time that it took.

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Message of the Day

A note via e-mail from a co-worker.

Message of the Day ...

Life is short,
Break the rules,
Forgive quickly,
Kiss slowly.

Love truly,
Laugh uncontrollably,
And never regret anything that made you smile.

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance.


Scrapbooking Paper as Art

I've had this idea for several years now, ever since I started using scrapbooking paper to cover my journals. But the other day on Apartment Therapy, I saw my idea realized into reality. My idea was to buy scrapbooking paper and frame them as cheap art.

A look through my scrapbooks would make it obvious that one idea I love over and over again is the idea of a wall with three or four rows of framed images in a grid pattern, usually four rows horizontal and three framed images across.

The draw of scrapbook paper would be (aside from it being only 50 cents a sheet) that it could be easily changed depending on the season, or if you redecorate, or if you find other prints that you like. The person who has done this at Apartment Therapy seems to have done this with random sheets, but I would have mine in a common colour palette of pinks and greens, so that each one would pick up on a colour of the previous one and there would be a "flow" of colour from one frame to the next even if the graphic or print were very different, such as a floral print to a geometric one.

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Happy Birthday, M'am!

Today, while a wee little princess was being welcomed in Denmark, 81 years ago another wee princess was being welcomed across the pond in Great Britain, with the arrival of Princess Elizabeth of York. Today, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Canada, celebrated her birthday quietly and without much fanfare. THe real party will take place in June during Trooping the Colours.

Happy Birthday to Her Majesty!

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